Saturday, March 14, 2009

Because 5 kids and 3 dogs are not enough....

Curtis decided last night to have another little puppy join our family.

Meet Owen.

Around midnight last night, he officially joined our family.

Kids....thrilled to death, Dad....thrilled to death, Mom....not so much!
Yes, he is adorable but let's not forget he still poops.
Let's not forget that we already have 7 growing mouths to feed, soon to be eight, and now NINE!

Let's not forget that puppies are wild and obnoxious.
Let's not forget that they are not a tax write off every year.

Let's not forget that they bark and need constant attention too.
Let's not forget that they chew up the friends' shoes that happen to be over jumping on the trampoline.

Let's not forget that they ruin your grass and each passing year you'll just have to pour more and more concrete to do away with all the dreadful grass.

And again, let's not forget the fact that they poop and then poop some more.
But hey, who cares, 5 kids and three dogs are just not enough!

One thing is for sure, Owen has lots of little people and furry friends to love him.

Miss Emma spent the whole day playing with him. Fischer and Owen have formed quite the attachment towards each other too.

Life is "Doggone" great!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Oh I found your blog from Facebook--hope you don't mind. :) I love that picture of Emma on the side. She is so sassy!!