Saturday, February 11, 2012

Gettin' my craft on...

I've been feeling a little urge to be crafty lately....thanks to Pinterest! Yes, if you haven't been sucked in yet then consider yourself lucky. Don't be curious to see what all the rave is about this online pinboard. You won't know what your missing and that is a good thing. And if you do well then don't blame me for all the things that get neglected because you too were curious.
Anyways, here is my LOVE mantel!

The felt heart is the fun thing I made that I saw on Pinterest. It's easy and best part...CHEAP!

Next up was not from Pinterest but just a fun project with cute little robots to add some color to Crew's room.
This took F.O.R.E.V.E.R and although I had everything at the time if you were to buy the stuff it would not be cheap whatsoever.

Thanks for looking!