Thursday, August 25, 2011

First day.

First day of school, a new school.
First day of a new adventure.

My kids were so excited to start school today. I on the other hand was a little sad. I really do love having my kids home. I love the lazy, laid back, no schedule that summer offers. I was super busy today and yet it was still a long day because I missed them so much. I think I am going to enjoy year round school, 45 days on and 15 days off. It's a new adventure for all of us.
Life is sweet!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A wedding to remember...

My baby brother FINALLY got married yesterday to a gorgeous girl named Tasha!
All three of my brothers are now married..... and to beautiful blondes. Tasha has been a part of our family for many years already. Let's just say that my brothers take their sweet time in the courting process and do not take the decision of marriage lightly (which they shouldn't) but we are all so excited when they finally do decide to take the plunge. They all have chosen smart and beautiful spouses and I am lucky to have them as sister-in-laws.  

Of course Emma feels like the luckiest girl alive since she got to be the flower girl!

The handsome boys just chillin' and eating snow cones!
Adorable baby Bentley is the newest member to our family (besides Tasha). She belongs to my brother Bobby and his wife Morgan although we all want to steal her and keep her. She is such a sweetheart!
Stockton and Emma had so much fun helping make the snowcones at the reception. And they did a great job. My favorite of the night was Tigers Blood with a splash of cream.
Crew and Nixon having a moment. They had a blast rolling down hills, playing in the flower beds, eating snow cones, sugar cookies, popcorn, and running around. Oh to be a boy!
And last but not is the happy couple. Congrats Kevin and Tasha. Best wishes with your new life together. Love you both so much!
Life is sweet!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Progression continues on the house.. 45 more days!

The windows are in, the exterior doors are in, the rough plumbing is done,
the electrical is almost complete, the tubs are in, the fireplace is in, the furnance is in and
 the insulation is in the exterior walls. Our 4-way inspection was done on Friday.  It is really taking shape!

The best news is that mortgage rates just dropped!  We will be locking our rate in the next week!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Having a freakin' BLONDE MOMENT!

Or a nervous breakdown.
Or both.

But I'm not blonde, or brunette for that matter. I am in fact gray....just like I was yesterday. I went to the store and bought a hair coloring kit to get rid of my gray hair (just in time for my little brother's wedding tomorrow.) Mixed the little bottles, let it sit in my hair for an hour and then went in the shower to wash it out and condition it only to soon realize that I had  mixed the wrong two bottles together. Yup! I sure am bright! I mixed the post conditioner with the activator.

Kind of reminds me of the first time I took a pregnancy test (about 15 years ago) and I saw a pink line. I was so excited I went to my mom's house to show her. Only to soon find out by my mom that a single pink line indicates....NEGATIVE!

On a side note: I just love my husband, he is the greatest! I love the last post that was written by him! He's the best husband and dad! I certainly wasn't having a blonde moment when I married him!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My "terrible 2 yr old"

Crew is my busy little BOY!
This boy is non-stop action....He is sooo much fun! 
I found him taking a bubble bath in the sink! 
Still fully dressed... He was even pitching in cleaning the mirror.
I can't leave him unattended for more than a minute!
He is growing up way too fast! I love all the adventures!