Friday, August 12, 2011

Having a freakin' BLONDE MOMENT!

Or a nervous breakdown.
Or both.

But I'm not blonde, or brunette for that matter. I am in fact gray....just like I was yesterday. I went to the store and bought a hair coloring kit to get rid of my gray hair (just in time for my little brother's wedding tomorrow.) Mixed the little bottles, let it sit in my hair for an hour and then went in the shower to wash it out and condition it only to soon realize that I had  mixed the wrong two bottles together. Yup! I sure am bright! I mixed the post conditioner with the activator.

Kind of reminds me of the first time I took a pregnancy test (about 15 years ago) and I saw a pink line. I was so excited I went to my mom's house to show her. Only to soon find out by my mom that a single pink line indicates....NEGATIVE!

On a side note: I just love my husband, he is the greatest! I love the last post that was written by him! He's the best husband and dad! I certainly wasn't having a blonde moment when I married him!


Brei said...

Hope you don't mind that I laughed a little! :) Hope you're able to fix it-that is, if you want to!

Jamie said...

ha ha! So what color did your hair turn out? I don't even trust myself to get rid of the grey's .. I have to hire a professional for that :)