Sunday, January 9, 2011

Out like a light.

This year our church starts at 1:00 p.m. Pretty tough time when you've got little ones that take naps. Which happens to be the case for us. Today we decided to forgo the nap and see how the day/afternoon/evening turned out. Crew did great and was happy all day and then at 6:30 p.m. was out like a light. Why are kids so cute when they are sleeping? Must be because they look so innocent despite all the havoc they can and do cause during the daylight hours. Needless to say, it's been a quiet evening around here and I'm keeeping my fingers crossed that next Sunday goes just as well.
Life is sweet!


Unknown said...

they are a spitting image of each other! sooo darling and i am not a partial grandma. ha

Jamie said...

Aaah, he is sweet. we also have late church this year and have to forgo a nap which is REALLLLLLY hard! Except in my house it's ME that is missing the Sunday nap that I live for!! ha ha.