Sunday, January 30, 2011


See this cute but sick little guy? He hasn't let his mamma put him down all day. Poor little man feels awful and just wants to be held and loved on. I don't mind though. Everyone except me and Fischer got the flu this weekend. It hit hard Friday evening with Curtis and then spread to all the others. Thank goodness we are knocking this all out at once... almost. I would hate for this to drag on slowly one by one over the next couple of weeks like sickness usually does with us. I will get this without a doubt! I have been sneezed and coughed on for two straight days now and there is just no way to avoid it. So I am planning on being sick this week. I have mentally prepared myself for being sick! I kept thinking of all the things I should accomplish today just so that I really was prepared for when (not if) I get sick this week. HaHa. But like I said earlier, I've been holding my baby. It's been one lazy day. Everyone has been bundled up with blankets, sleeping bags, and snuggies just laying around on the couch watching T.V. or playing the ipad. 5 sick people coughing all day long.

Curtis has been trying to hold Crew all day today but Crew wouldn't go to anyone but me. Well tonight I was sitting on the couch holding him and he got down and went over and climbed up on dad's lap. I knew there had to be a reason. I knew there was some sort of motive. He sat there for a minute before accomplishing what he was after and then quickly climbed back down and over onto his mamma's lap. See if you can figure it out..

I've tried to get him to eat all different kinds of things today and the only thing other than a brownie that he would agree to was medicine. Whenver I ask him if he wants some medicine to help him feel better he shakes his head yes. Poor kids! I feel so bad. This is yucky stuff!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Emma's room

Today I am being a very mean mom and making my kids clean their rooms on their day off of school. Their rooms haven't been cleaned since Christmas....yes I know, yuck! We started on Emma's and I decided to snap some pictures since I have never done so. We are putting our house up for sale really soon and I want to have pictures before we don't live here anymore. The second I found out I was finally having a girl I knew I wanted lots and lots of pink! Enjoy the picture overload.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

7:12 p.m.
6 lbs. 15 oz.
17 inches
just perfect

She makes my heart a flutter. I can only imagine what she must do to her mamma's heart! Mom and baby are doing great. Mom is a super champ. Had 17 hours of labor al natural....way to go Liz! Congrats Liz and Steve, you did awesome!
Life is sweet!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Out like a light.

This year our church starts at 1:00 p.m. Pretty tough time when you've got little ones that take naps. Which happens to be the case for us. Today we decided to forgo the nap and see how the day/afternoon/evening turned out. Crew did great and was happy all day and then at 6:30 p.m. was out like a light. Why are kids so cute when they are sleeping? Must be because they look so innocent despite all the havoc they can and do cause during the daylight hours. Needless to say, it's been a quiet evening around here and I'm keeeping my fingers crossed that next Sunday goes just as well.
Life is sweet!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Heaven help me....

Do stores really need to start selling these the day after Christmas? Of course they do, because people like me buy and consume them in large quantities faster than they can keep them restocked. (well, maybe it's just me that keeps the Cadbury Egg market flowing but I like to pretend there are others out there!) It makes me feel good. This golden gooeyness is hands down my biggest weakness. I loose all self control when it comes to these darn little eggs. And yet I have 4 extra months to devour these rather than just around Easter!

Well, I am putting my foot down for once and saying "NO MORE!" I will not and cannot eat another one until Easter. This will take every ounce of willpower and self control that I may possibly possess. I will not and cannot eat another one until Easter.
So there you have it! I let one of my dirty little secrets out there! Tell me, what is a secret weakness you have? C' will make me feel better. I need something to cheer me up as I try and undo all the damage done over the last couple weeks.....please?


Monday, January 3, 2011


Well today my dad had to have his right leg amputated just below the knee. About 10 years ago he had cancer and the radiation killed his bone. Last April he broke his ankle. He was in a lot of pain but an x-ray did not show a break. He continued walking on it for many more weeks before finally having an MRI which did indeed show it was broken. Long story short, it would not/will not heal because the break was in direct line of the radiation. He's been on crutches for such a long time. So as sad as it may be to have this be the end result, I think he is relieved and happy to have this finally over with. He is alive and it sure beats having cancer. He just has to adjust to a new and different lifestyle. I am amazed at how positive and strong he has been through this tough decision. He has about 8 weeks to recover and heal before he will get his prosthetic. He seems to be doing great and in high spirits for what he went through today. Here's hoping he will have a speedy and successful recovery! I love you dad!
Life is precious!