Monday, April 25, 2011

One day....

you have this cute and tiny little baby that you think will stay your cute and tiny little baby forever. And then one day you wake up and he's getting bigger and bigger and older and older. And before you know it, he's into teenage things, like crushin' on cute girls. And you try to remember what it was even like when he was a cute and tiny little baby....sigh!

Bella is her name.

This boy is crushin', hard! I now know why. She's adorable, fun, silly, smart, and sweet. She has earned lots of brownie points with me. She thinks my house smells good, she loves my door, and she reads my blog!

Cheers to middle school crushes!
Life is sweet!



So cute!

Unknown said...

no angela you have it wrong. one day you wake up and your baby has a teenage son with a girlfriend. they are darling. can't blame fischer for falling head over heels for her!

liz said...

...i can't believe fischer is getting so old! is this weird that i'm getting a little teary-eyed? she is a doll - what a cute pair they make!

Brei said...

Fisher done good! She's a cutie!