Saturday, December 4, 2010

So behind...

I feel so behind in my blog the last couple months. I often want to blog but then I am not sure where to even begin. Before I know it days have gone by, weeks, and then a month has gone in the blink of an eye! But I need to start somewhere I suppose.

Anyways, my cute sister-in-law Liz is having a baby in a few short weeks and she had a baby shower today at Mimi's Cafe. I decided to make her a baby cake! This is the second one I have made and they are so much fun...and easy too!

I'm so excited for her! It will be so much fun to have a new little bundle of joy in the family! Especially a girl since we have lots of boys! So here is a cute picture of the mom-to-be (I stole from her blog!)

Oh, and I had to get cute little Runbi in there too!
Life is good!


Scarlett said...

Holy cow, girl! Is there nothing you can't do? You are so talented. Cute family!

liz said...

seriously, i LOVE that diaper cake! steve was also very impressed with it. i don't know if i'll actually ever want to take it apart and use it. :) THANK YOU! xoxox.