Sunday, January 17, 2010


I thought Sunday was a day of rest! I don't think I have even sat down for more than 10 minutes today! Which is why I chose to blog....I have to sit down to do it! I woke up this morning in a very sleep deprived state because baby boy didn't sleep very well last night! But I decided to not let the sleep deprivation hold me back! This is all that I accomplished this fine sabbath day:

woke up and made lasagna that the family had requested for dinner tonight
took a shower
stayed home from Sacrament Meeting with Crew until it was time for me to go and teach my Primary class
(tag team effort with Curtis)
got ready for church/worked on some finishing touches for my lesson all while holding a crying baby
went and taught my lesson- LOVE my primary class
came home fed kids lunch
put Crew down for nap
made homemade rolls for dinner
cleaned messy kitchen
entertained bored kids for awhile
put lasagna in oven
made brownies for dessert
ate dinner
cleaned messy kitchen again
played games with family
ate dessert
gave Crew/Stockton bath
got Crew ready for bed
put Stockton/Emma to bed

.....and now I am sitting here exhausted drinking a Diet Pepsi. I started getting excited because tomorrow is my favorite day, Monday! The kids will be in school and I can get some things accomplished and maybe even relax a little... or NOT! I just NOW realized the kids do not have school tomorrow or even the next day! I am suddenly feeling even more exhausted! LOL!

Being a mother is great! I love it! I truly believe it is the best job in the world and I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING! I am so thankful that I get to do all these things that I just wrote down. I know that all you mothers out there do these very same things too, it just seemed like a much more busy Sunday than normal for me. Thanks to my awesome husband there is one thing I did not do today....change poopy diapers! HOORAY! He actually took care of Mr. Fussy Gussy most of the day today!

We had a fun weekend too! Stockton and Emma got to sleep over at Aunt Michelle's house and have a "Mad Scientist" party with their cute little cousins on Friday! Mitchell slept over at Grandma's house! Me, Curtis and Crew went to our friends house and played games. Fischer had friends over for pizza and games on the Wii! Saturday Fischer had a basketball game and his team is now 3 and 0....WooHoo! And then me and Curtis went to Red Lobster for a delicious dinner, YUM!

Life is great!

1 comment:

Scarlett said...

Angela, you are such a good mom! I can't imagine how crazy your life is with 5 kids! But you are so on top of things. You should teach a mommy class!:)