Monday, January 25, 2010

10 Months!

Where does the time go? I cannot believe my baby is 10 months old today! All too soon I will have a ONE year old! This little guy is at such a fun age, learning new things daily! I love that he understands certain things that we say. He is very serious yet BUSY. Just what I need, another BUSY BOY! He goes up the stairs all day long. When he can't find me, he looks all over the house and then crawls up the steep flight of stairs. He loves it when someone is pretending to chase him up the stairs, he laughs and crawls up as fast as he can. We can say "go get the book", "go get the hat", or  "go get monkey" and he understands! It is so much fun.
For record keeping, here are some facts about Crew at 10 months:

*can stand all by himself
*can walk holding onto a push toy he got for Christmas (and along furniture)
*is on a hypoallergenic formula due to possible allergies ($$$$$$$27.00$$$$$ a freakin' can that lasts three days)
*hates to take baths all of the sudden
*does not like going places (running errands/being in car seat)
*has finally slept through the night the last three nights in a row (made him cry one night for three hours straight until he FINALLY fell asleep)-that's as long as Emma goes to school, sheesh!
*is a momma's boy

Crew loves this monkey. Monkey stays in the crib. Everytime he sees "monkey" he gives it loves. It used to be Stockton's monkey but he gave it to Crew when Crew was born!

Life is sweet!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Yes, things like this make me happy! Hope I'm not the only one that had no clue how to do this!

Life is full of cool tricks!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I thought Sunday was a day of rest! I don't think I have even sat down for more than 10 minutes today! Which is why I chose to blog....I have to sit down to do it! I woke up this morning in a very sleep deprived state because baby boy didn't sleep very well last night! But I decided to not let the sleep deprivation hold me back! This is all that I accomplished this fine sabbath day:

woke up and made lasagna that the family had requested for dinner tonight
took a shower
stayed home from Sacrament Meeting with Crew until it was time for me to go and teach my Primary class
(tag team effort with Curtis)
got ready for church/worked on some finishing touches for my lesson all while holding a crying baby
went and taught my lesson- LOVE my primary class
came home fed kids lunch
put Crew down for nap
made homemade rolls for dinner
cleaned messy kitchen
entertained bored kids for awhile
put lasagna in oven
made brownies for dessert
ate dinner
cleaned messy kitchen again
played games with family
ate dessert
gave Crew/Stockton bath
got Crew ready for bed
put Stockton/Emma to bed

.....and now I am sitting here exhausted drinking a Diet Pepsi. I started getting excited because tomorrow is my favorite day, Monday! The kids will be in school and I can get some things accomplished and maybe even relax a little... or NOT! I just NOW realized the kids do not have school tomorrow or even the next day! I am suddenly feeling even more exhausted! LOL!

Being a mother is great! I love it! I truly believe it is the best job in the world and I wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING! I am so thankful that I get to do all these things that I just wrote down. I know that all you mothers out there do these very same things too, it just seemed like a much more busy Sunday than normal for me. Thanks to my awesome husband there is one thing I did not do today....change poopy diapers! HOORAY! He actually took care of Mr. Fussy Gussy most of the day today!

We had a fun weekend too! Stockton and Emma got to sleep over at Aunt Michelle's house and have a "Mad Scientist" party with their cute little cousins on Friday! Mitchell slept over at Grandma's house! Me, Curtis and Crew went to our friends house and played games. Fischer had friends over for pizza and games on the Wii! Saturday Fischer had a basketball game and his team is now 3 and 0....WooHoo! And then me and Curtis went to Red Lobster for a delicious dinner, YUM!

Life is great!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Meanest mom in the world!

Backstory: Every night before bedtime, Emma and Crew take their bath together and then Emma helps me get Crew ready for bed. Crew HATES to get dressed. He pitches a fit every single time. So every night during this little tantrum of his I say "I know baby, I am the meanest mom in the world!"

Last night:
Me: "C'mon Crew let's get your jammies on!"
(Emma brings Crew over to me and helps pin him down)
Crew: Screaming and crying! "Wahhh!"
Me: (As I'm pulling the jammies over his head) "I know baby, I'm the meanest mom in the world!"
Emma: "Mom, stop trying to tell yourself that, you are NOT the meanest mom in the world!"

Isn't she the best?

My name is Angela Timothy and I AM NOT THE MEANEST MOM IN THE WORLD!

Friday, January 8, 2010

January Blah's!

Is it just me or does anyone else feel the blah's around this time of year? I always do. The holiday high's are over. The anticipation for all things Merry & Bright are over. The snow doesn't look so white anymore. The bank account is looking a little drained. There are too many decorations that need to be dusted and put away. The insurance deductables START ALL OVER. Sickness is still lingering in the air. Blah! Blah! Blah!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

WOW! I cannot believe it is 2010! CRAZINESS!
It's been a fun Christmas break with the kids home. Not too much fighting took place either I must add. We had a few unexpected things pop up this week which included:
*a trip to the dentist because of a really bad toothache for Emma
*Mitchell was attacked by two dogs while walking to his friends house just down the road
it was a very scary incident which traumatized the poor kid
yes, he was bitten pretty bad and is very bruised all over the back of his legs
yes, the police and animal control were called
*lots of doctor visits for Crew (allergist, pediatrician, and Ear, Nose & Throat)
-trying to figure out why he has been sick since October 31st
Other than that, the kids have all been thoroughly entertained with each of their new "toys"! Between that and lots of sleepovers at Grandma's house, it has been very enjoyable! Can't ask for more than that! Tree is down and I can't wait to clean house this week now that everyone is back in school tomorrow! Not sure where to begin is the only problem.
We had a pretty low key New Year's. On New Year's Eve we got together with our friends the Taylor's and had pizza and played games. It was a fun night. We actually came home at 11:00 so Curtis and Crew could go to bed because they are party poopers. LOL! Me and Mitchell rang in the New Year playing Super Mario Brothers on the Wii! New Year's Day we just relaxed and had lunch over at Grandma's house. We've gone out to dinner with friends and have played lots and lots of board games. I'm sad the holiday is over but I am excited for what 2010 has in store. I think it is going to be a great year. I love new beginnings. I have always loved Monday's (I know, call me crazy) and I always love the beginning of every new month. I love the feeling of starting fresh. With all my shortcomings, I consistently need a fresh new start. I have many goals for 2010 and I am going to try my hardest to stay on track with those goals. I wish each and every one of you a HAPPY & HEALTHY NEW YEAR! Here's to 2010! Cheers!
Life is an adventure!