Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Halloween was short and not so sweet this year! It was not a bad Halloween but not the most memorable. For the last 12 years, we have always gone in my parents neighborhood....can you say FULL SIZE CANDY BARS? Oh yeah! But this year my kids decided that they wanted to go around our neighborhood and be able to see their friends. Much to my dismay, I agreed and went to the store and bought 5 bags of candy that I didn't like so that I wouldn't self-indulge every few minutes.

Well, first off Crew had started getting a chest and head cold so he wasn't in the best mood to begin with. I was not about to waste the money I had used to purchase a darn Halloween costume for my 7 month old (what in the world was I thinking?) So, his grumpy little self got stuffed into his puffy monster costume and his chubby little cheeks into his silly hat that lasted just enough time to snap a photo. I'm still kicking myself for spending the money on that adorable costume. This photo turned out to be a $20.00 picture, guess I better scrapbook it!

Mitchell stayed at home to pass out our candy because he does not like dressing up and he doesn't like eating candy (not sure he's my child). So we took Emma, Stockton, and Crew on a journey around the neighborhood that was ever so short because no one was home. Needless to say, they didn't see their friends and they hardly got any candy. And at the end of the night we had almost 5 bags of candy leftover that I DO NOT LIKE~! Of course that is a good thing because then I won't eat it but just more money I wasted!
Lesson learned: It's just like when you go to a restaurant and you always order the same exact thing because you know for a fact it will be good and you won't be disappointed. And whenever you decide to change it up a bit and try something else you realize you should have just ordered what you know you like!

Next year.......we're going to Grandma's!

On a more positive side, we went to my Aunt Laurie's house for dinner after....like we've done for years too and it was JUST RIGHT! Thank goodness we stuck to that tradition to end the night!

Life is a lesson!


Unknown said...

yeah, i will be very happy to have my granddarlings back!

liz said...

oh! i love that little monster costume! crew looks so flippin cute. "the claw..it chooses who will go and who will stay..oooo..." ahaha.

Jamie said...

lol oh the things us mothers have to go through! (Or put ourselves through :)) In any case, Crew looked super cute, even if he only wore his costume for a second :)

Scarlett said...

Crew is adorable! That sucks with the whole trick-or-treating thing. For some reason in that neighborhood not a lot of people like Halloween! So sad!