Friday, October 16, 2009


This cute little boy is officially a teenager!
And has turned into this handsome young man!

Happy Birthday Fischer!

Here are just 13 of the many reasons we love you!

1. You are so funny! There is never a dull moment with you around. That doesn't mean you don't drive us nuts a lot of the time but your witty humor always gives us a good laugh.

2. You are incredibly smart. Always have been. You have always done so well in school and it just comes naturally to you. You are a quick learner and can understand anything that is thrown your way the first time. You are a problem solver and a very creative thinker. There is no hiding anything from you. You can always read between the lines and put two and two together. I am so proud of your "almost" straight A grades...keep it up!

3. Despite the fact that you can never find the garbage can to throw your trash away, you are very responsible. I can rely on you for a lot of things. You have always had a lot of responsibility. Because of this, you are very mature for your age in many different areas.

4. You are stubborn but it has proven to be an advantage for you time and time again. Enough said

5. You like to be with your family. I hope this never changes.

6. You have always had many friends, which must mean something good.

7. You have determination.

8. You come home on time when we tell you what time to be home.

9. You are very affectionate. You are a "touchy feely" kind of person. You like to hug and hang your arms on us...and snuggle. Not sure where you get this from because your dad and I are not like this. I think it's so hilarious when you and dad are watching football on the couch together and he has to push you away because you are snuggled up as close as can be to him. Dad might not think it's very manly but I'm sure the girls will love it someday.....SOMEDAY I SAID!

10. You don't try to get away with things that we don't allow, you just accept it and move on. You don't try to change our "rules" and "reasons" for making certain decisions as parents.

11. You have made some stupid moves in your short time but at the end of the day you always seem to make good choices, especially ones that matter most. I hope this never changes too!

12. Whether you want to admit it or not, you love your brothers and sister so much. You have a good heart.

13. You are an all around great kid! Stay true to yourself and be the best you can be.

When Stockton came home from school today he went straight in my room and made a birthday card for Fischer. When he showed it to me I had to laugh because it was so cute. Here it is:

I want to share one more cute thing about Fischer. When I was pregnant with Crew, I was having severe gallbladder attacks. One week Curtis had gone out of town and my visiting teaching companion called to see if I could go visit one of our ladies that evening. Fischer was gone and was due to be home any minute. I told Mitchell that I was leaving to go visit someone and would only be gone about 30 minutes. I told Mitchell that Fischer would be home any second and to tell him where I was. Well Mitchell forgot and had no idea where I was when Fischer asked. Fischer started looking all over for me and calling all around for me. My car was in the garage but I was nowhere to be found. Fischer started panicking and freaking out. He was standing outside in the driveway with the phone having a complete heart attack by the time I got home. He was so upset and told me that he was so worried sick and that he thought something had happened to me. Awww! He has his sweet moments.

Life is fleeting!

1 comment:

Karey L F said...

All I can say is you better watch out, I think you might have a chic magnet on your hand. Super handsome! Loved the list, and Stocktons card was super sweet. It's times like these we think to ourselves, "maybe I'm doing something right after all."