Friday, April 10, 2009

Blessed beyond measure.

Don't you just savor that feeling/moment when you feel so much love for someone that you literally feel as though your heart is going to explode? Even that same amazing feeling that makes you feel ill or scared because you never imagined that you were capable of loving someone so much? I have been blessed beyond measure. I have been blessed enough to have experienced this SIX times in my life, just two short weeks ago being the most recent.

Giving birth is the most priceless and precious gift I could ever have been given. I am eternally thankful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me with this opportunity. Being able to physically bring one of Heavenly Father's children into this world is the most powerful experience that can strengthen your testimony and faith. The miracle of birth is true and perfect proof there really is a God. I am so grateful.

Newborns do magical things to your heart. It still amazes me how such a tiny little person whom you know nothing about can instantly cause you to have unconditional love for them. They instantly have you wrapped around their finger. They make you forget what life was like before they even existed. They make you realize your heart is much bigger than you imagined. Just when you think your heart couldn't possibly hold more love for another being, it magically grows larger. My heart is full of love it's busting at the seams.

And of course every time I look at my 5 little people it makes me love my husband even more than chocolate covered cinnamon bears. LOL! He is the greatest and I am so grateful for him and the most perfect family which resulted from a little hanky panky over the years! I wouldn't have these 5 beautiful people in my life if it weren't for him and that just makes him #1 in my book of life. I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have him as my baby-makin' partner! He rocks my world!

Life is a miracle!


Lindell said...

Wow, I teared up just a little (and laughed at the term hanky-panky). What a sweet post.

Jamie said...

You said that perfectly Ang! You must love your hubby a lot if you love him more than choc covered cin bears :) I also laughed at your reference to hanky panky. I'm glad to see you still have a little naughty in ya :)

liz said...

aww...that post started out so sweet and tender and then suddenly it turned slightly awkward (since you're talking about my brother there)haha. just kidding. i love you guys!

Unknown said...

yeah, I agree liz! a bit awkward for the mother here! All I can say is WAY TO GO!!!!! Keep the hanky panky wheels a turning!

Scarlett said...

Angela, I am so sorry all that you have had to go through the past 9 months! I hope Crew is doing better now! I still want to come see you and Crew! Let me know when would be a good time! We need to do another girl's night,(since you weren't really able to enjoy the last one!)

Bonnie said...

That was a great post! I have experienced the mother thing once now. I think as we have more kids I will understand it even more!

Audra said...

I am going to have to agree with you on this post. Even the slightly awkward hanky-panky part! :-) Of course with my own partner though!!

Jamie said...

Angela you crack me up! I love it! Crew is so amazingly beautiful! My goodness!! What a stud! I hope that he is doing better. Your family is so blasted cute! Nice work :)