Thursday, September 30, 2010

18 months old!

(click to enlarge)
My baby is officially 18 months old which means one very exciting thing......NURSERY~ ! Oh happy day!

Crew is such a BUSY little boy but so much fun! We just love him so much and it has been such a cool thing, really, to have a little one in our family! I know all boys are BUSY, naturally, but Crew seems to be over-the-top-busy! I cannot keep up with him!~ I have always loved this quote:

"With little boys, you always know where you stand....right in the middle of a hurricane!"
It is so true! Just today I mopped my kitchen floor and was for one minute standing to admire my sparkly kitchen only to walk up the stairs to discover that a hurricane had hit every single room! About 10 different games had been pulled out and scattered throughout the entire upstairs. Little teeny tiny pieces ALL OVER! Lots and lots of playing cards ALL OVER. Several different packs of flashcards ALL OVER. You get the picture! It was obvious that Hurricane Crew had hit hard!

Here are some Crew facts I want to jot down for memory keeping:

*Crew is not only a daddy's boy but he is obsessed with his dad  - when dad is home no one else even exists (weekends are kind of nice for mom)
*his favorite place to be is outside exploring and roaming around
*he doesn't talk very much (ok, not at all) except DAD of course
(he actually can say mom, done, night night)
*he is a climber
*he gets so excited when he wakes up from his nap and we go pick up the kids from school
*he understands anything and everything, just try it if you don't believe me!
*he's an awesome eater- loves fruit, all kinds of meat, waffles, even spicy mexican food
*yes he still takes a bottle before fault
*has the absolute cutest run I have ever seen, it just makes me laugh and smile (one of these days I'll get it on video)
*his favorite treats or dum dum suckers
*when you ask him something he will shake his head yes or's so cute when he shakes his head yes....just ask Grandma!
*when he gets really cranky it's usually because he is very thirsty, he'll chug and chug water and then be happy again
*loves to collect rocks around the house and tries to bring them inside even in the tub for bath time,
*he just started throwing everything
*loves to be tickled
*loves dogs
*he loves to ride skateboards, he just lays on his belly and pushes himself all around
*loves to be chased around

Even though he can be such a stinker at times, I just love this age. Every day is a new discovery and they learn so fast it's amazing. We are so blessed to have him in our family!
Life is sweet!


Unknown said...

my favorite 18 month old in the whole wide world!!!!!

Michelle said...

I love that collage! You should make a poster of it and hang it on a wall! He is such a cutie pie - and so much fun!