Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Made with LOVE!

Have I mentioned before that I have, hands down, the most amazing grandma? Well, I do! My Grandma Lund is the most beautiful, giving, generous, thoughtful, and sweet grandma in the world. She is loved by all who are fortunate enough to know her. She cooks delicious food, she spoils her family, she is a righteous example to all those around her, she always looks gorgeous and so put together and smells so so good! I can never hide the fact that I have secretly gone to lunch with grandma because I come home and my kids can smell her scent on me. I have always loved it when she holds my babies because the smell lingers for the rest of the day. I love my grandma so much my heart could just burst thinking about it.
So, my wonderful grandma makes the most beautiful quilts for her grandchildren when they get married or when we have our cute little babies. You should see these quilts! They are priceless! She made one for Emma and brought it over last week. Take a lookie:
My camera battery was almost dead, so my pictures aren't that good but you get the idea. The quilt is so adorable and we love it so much! Thank you for all your time and effort for this special gift Grandma! Emma will treasure it always!
Life is good!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


About three weeks ago me, Crew, and Emma were invited to go on a trip to Las Vegas for a week. I drove down with my Aunt Laurie, cousin Molly, her friend Casey and we stayed with my cousin Heidi and her family. It was such a blast. Each day was spent in the pool playing around and relaxing. One of the days Emma swam for 9 hours straight! We had such a fun time and it was a great vacation. Thanks so much Sundell's!
Crew and Nixon are one week apart! Here they are relaxing in the pool sharing a cocktail together! Juice!
Crew decided her didn't want to share the cocktails! He wanted to drink both! Little stinker!
It was such a fun week and the accommodations were amazing! Again, thanks Sundell's! It is nice to be home! Crew was so excited when he saw his brothers!
Life is "sun"sational!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Family Fun!

We had a great 4th of JULY weekend!
Saturday night we had a BBQ (rib eye -YUM!) here at our house with family followed by a mean game of Catan.
Sunday night we had a BBQ at my Grandma Lund's (ribs-YUM!) with family!
Monday afternoon/evening we had a BBQ/pool party at my aunt and uncles house in Hooper! Fun Times!