Sunday, April 25, 2010

One of those days...

Do you ever have one of those days that just turns out overall.....crummy? Well, that was today. Kids fighting non-stop. Kids acting bad at church. Dinner turned out gross after spending much time on it. House is a disaster which always seems to make my mood much worse.

Yeah, I have a poor attitude and I cannot wait for this day to be yesterday! I have been so disappointed in my kids today. They have seriously been fighting all day long. I am so tired of the way they have been treating eachother. It makes me feel like I am failing at my job. Failing terribly.  I want to lock them in this house until they can learn to get along and show some respect and love for one another. It is going to be a long week for a couple of them that have no friend privilages this week. Maybe even a longer week for me I should say. Geez!

So we decided to go to the park late this afternoon with Aunt Michelle, Yousef  and Ammon. Boy the skies were blue but the air was cold.
I thought it would be a good idea to get out and run around on the grass, kick the soccer ball around and breath some fresh air. I was wrong. The fighting started the minute we got out of the truck. Sad! We only ended up staying an hour before Crew and Emma were too cold.

(this is what happens when you don't obey your mother and smile for the camera)
Don't let these photos fool you. The happy moments were far and few during our hour stay. There was always someone with tears or unkind words. I'll be honest, it wasn't pretty. But at the end of the day we are still a family and we all need to step back and re-evaluate our actions and make changes to be better because tomorrow is a new day. Thanks goodness for that.

p.s. my poor little Crew was drinking his bottle when we got home and looking out the window (he loves to do this) and there was a big yellow jacket in the window seal. Crew grabbed it with his chubby little fist and got stung. Poor guy! I had to pull out the very tip of the stinger that was still in his hand and he ended up crying himself to sleep in daddy's arms.
Goodnight friends!


Jamie said...

At least we're not alone in that we all have crummy days. And getting stung by a bee is not a good way to end a bad day, poor guy! Hope today's been better! :)

Scarlett said...

I hate those days! You are a wonderful mother, and just remember that sibling rivalry is normal. At least it was for my family.:) I don't have to deal with that right now with my child, but when I do, I am glad I have friends who have been throught it that can help me out! Good luck this week!

Clint and Shari said...

I sorry to say this, but I am glad that I'm not the only one with these kind of days! Hope things turned around for you:)

Karey L F said...

Sounds fimilar. It's as if you were recapping one of my days.

I am reading this book called "When we are in public pretend you don't know me", sound fimilar? Anyway, it says that people warned us about our kids growing up but, we didn't listen, we were to distracted by the sweet smell of baby. What were we thinking?

Hang in there things are bound to get better in like 20 years or so when they are all out of the house and can truly appreciate us. haha

Know that I think you are a great mom and that you are not alone in your feelings and struggles. GOOD LUCK!