Monday, September 17, 2012

August 27.2012

August 27th was such a special day for sooooo many reasons! First of all we got to celebrate this cute boy turning 13! Another teenager in the house! YIKES! 

 Mitchell is the biggest softie and I LOVE IT! He is AMAZING with little kids. Little kids love him and Crew worships the ground he walks on. Mitchell is a friend to everyone and has tons of friends. He is always  making a new friend and trying to hang out. He came home the other day and told me about this kid in one of his classes that does not speak english and Mitchell has been trying to help him and be his friend. This is such a wonderful quality about him. Ever since he was little he has been doing this. If we ever went to McDonald's to eat and play he would always make a new friend and try to bring them home with us. Mitchell is such a big help with Crew. I just love him to pieces and I am so happy he is mine! He does not like to have his picture taken unfortunately so I have to just sneak them every once in awhile. For Mitchell's birthday he got a new T.V. and we went to Winger's for his birthday dinner with family.

Next we celebrated the life of Grandpa Richard Hart who was such a wonderful man that we LOVE dearly!
His funeral was so awesome and he left behind so many special memories for everyone. I always loved Richard since the day I married Curtis. Thanks to Richard I have the most important days in my life recorded...the day I was engaged, married, and all my children being born. He was always there to video my little newborn babies soon after they came into this world. He was all about Genealogy and preservation. He hung on to anything and everything. Everything had sentimental value to him. He always showed love and concern for our family. I have always appreciated this and we will miss him. I feel so honored to have been there when he passed on to the other side to be with the love of his life, my husband's mother Sandy. Although it is sad for us to not have him here with us, our hearts are so happy that he is with her now. 
God be with you til we meet again!
And soon after the funeral we were able to run to St. Marks hospital to hear little baby Beckett Bowden come into this world. We sat in the waiting room and patiently waited until we heard his cute little cries from the delivery room. He is soooo adorable!

What a special day August 27th was!
Life is good!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Moving on to grade 3 and grade 5.

How is it that a day can drag on and on, even a month....but a year was just yesterday? I guess looking forward feels like slow motion and looking back is in fast foward (x's 10). I still remember, like it was yesterday, trying to picture what my life would be like with teenagers and such. I still remember holding my bouncing baby boy Fischer trying to picture what he would be like when he was older, what our life together would be like in the future. It felt so far away and I could only "see" it with very blurred vision. What would he be like? What kind of parents would we be? How many kids would we have? What would our daily routines be? How would our marriage be different? And now here I am, many, many years later, living those thoughts I once had in my head. They are reality now.

Here I am the mother of five amazing kids. A couple teenagers, a couple elementary kids, and one little three year old. Seventeen years later, still married to the same amazing man. Whether it's better than you imagined or worse, it's never what you pictured in your head. I am a different person now than when I got married. Curtis is a different person than he was years ago. Our marriage is different. The dynamics of our family have continuously changed over the years. I'm certain we are different parents than we ever thought we would be and that we do things we never said we would do! My kids keep growing and getting older and life doesn't stop for one second. I don't even dare try to imagine what our lives will be like when we have kids on missions, getting married, having their own babies, etc. Because although it feels far away at the moment, I will soon once again be looking back like it was just yesterday!

So the first day of school didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped. We didn't get up early enough, Emma was having a bad hair day, my camera battery was almost dead, we I forgot to get Stockton's long overdue haircut, etc. So here are pictures from the very first day of school and the 2nd day of school when we had time to fix Emma's hair, charge the camera battery, get Stockton a haircut, etc.
First Day. Grade 3.
Second Day.

First day. Grade 5.
Second day.

And they're off!
And here is a picture of Crew for good measure!

The older boys don't start until Monday!
Life is sweet!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Blogging Blah's...

I know I am such a bad bad blogger! I guess when it comes to blogging lately I just think...blah! Honestly, when it comes to computer time, I would rather use that time reading about other people's lives!
I thought I'd share my Easter mantel with you. I have fun doing my holiday mantels.

Maybe as soon as I get out of my funk I'll start blogging more. I know it's a great way to document the everyday life too!

Life is good!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Gettin' my craft on...

I've been feeling a little urge to be crafty lately....thanks to Pinterest! Yes, if you haven't been sucked in yet then consider yourself lucky. Don't be curious to see what all the rave is about this online pinboard. You won't know what your missing and that is a good thing. And if you do well then don't blame me for all the things that get neglected because you too were curious.
Anyways, here is my LOVE mantel!

The felt heart is the fun thing I made that I saw on Pinterest. It's easy and best part...CHEAP!

Next up was not from Pinterest but just a fun project with cute little robots to add some color to Crew's room.
This took F.O.R.E.V.E.R and although I had everything at the time if you were to buy the stuff it would not be cheap whatsoever.

Thanks for looking!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A very special day tomorrow...

Yes, very special indeed. My baby girl, my only baby girl, is getting baptized tomorrow afternoon.
She is beautiful in every single way but especially in her beautiful baptism dress.

She can just stop growing up now. The end.
Life is sweet!