Thursday, June 23, 2011


June happenings have consisted of.....

watching this cute girl play in her Lacrosse game.

Family dinners. Another cute lil' thing! Sweet Naomi.

 Wild and crazy time with cousins.

Lots of park play.

Water hose fights.


This poor little guy has been so sick. I finally took him in and he has a double ear infection with one eardrum about to rupture. His tubes fell out just a couple of weeks ago and he aleady has a double ear infection! He has had a terrible chest cold and she said that if things don't start to improve over the next couple of days he may need a chest x-ray to see if he has pneumonia. She said there is a high chance that he may have to have tubes placed back into his ears. Hmmmph! I feel so bad for him, it just breaks my heart. All he has wanted this week is to be held and snuggled with his blanky. He just wants his mama and nothing else. He hasn't been sleeping or eating. Can't wait until he feels better.

And last but not least.....

We are super excited that our hole was finally dug today! HIP HIP HOORAY!

Life is sweet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your building a house? Where? I can't believe how big your kids are. Time is flying by too fast!
