Thursday, March 25, 2010



It's days like this that make you realize how fast time really does fly! It's days like this that make you want to live in the moment more and never take any second for granted because before you know it tomorrow and the next day are already gone. It's days like this that you wake up and wonder where all the yesterdays went. One baby boy is suddenly EIGHT and another baby boy is ONE and you wonder where in the world you've been all this time. Where did all that time go? Who took it away? This is how I felt today.

Life is fleeting. Life happens whether we are aware of it or not. It doesn't ever slow down or pause. I certainly feel as though I need to enjoy the little things more. All the things I know I will miss someday are the things I need to enjoy NOW, everyday.

Sorry for the overload of pictures but here is a rundown of our fabulous day!

Crew's first present this morning! (Not quite sure what to do!) Sister had to step in and demonstrate a little paper tearing.

Build-A-Bear/Lunch at Hot Dog On A Stick

Grandma brought over the Birthday cakes she made! Adorable!
Crew trying out his new swing! You can't tell by the look on his face but he liked it. He was a little tired due to the lack of a nap!
Stockton's basketball themed birthday party from 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Diggin' in -which took some help at first! He would touch the frosting and then try to shake it off. Finally Emma took some of the frosting and put it in his mouth.
Opened presents, played, and then kicked back on Grandma Lund's lap while being lightly tickled with a rake!
It turned out to be a great day! Goodnight!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


First things first!
As I have mentioned earlier, I am so happy March has finally arrived. Goodbye January AND February, see you next year~! I officially have spring fever and I LOVE IT! March is always a fun and busy month for us with lots of celebrating involved! Even though it's cold outside I can still tell Spring is right around the corner when I walk outside. Can't wait to dig my flippies out! It makes me happy!

In other news, I have been without a computer for a week. Our computer got a bad virus and we took it in and ended up just buying a brand spankin' new one! It rocks! Once I figure out all the bells and whistles it will rock even more! :) Love new computers!

Two weeks ago we ended up needing to buy a new freezer for the garage. We took everything out of the old one and moved it all to the inside freezer. After we bought the new one I hadn't gotten around to moving everything back out. Well, Sunday night our fridge/freezer decided to stop working. Long story short, it wasn't until Monday night that I discovered it. We ended up throwing away a few hundred dollars worth of food and paying another $270.00 to fix it. The joys of everyday life. The service guy lectured me and told me this would have been prevented had I been more responsible in my cleaning the under carriage part where the air circulates in and out. Or something like that. It needs to be done every 3 months minimum, what? Well, ok! So, from one irresponsible homeowner to another **PLEASE clean the vent thing out from under your refrigerator at least every three months, got it?** GOOD!

Carrying on! Did I mention that my baby started walking at about 10.5 months? Yup! He's into everything and I can barely.keep.up! He's a quiet tornado! But it is oh so fun and so very adorable. He even says momma! He's a huge part of our entertainment around this place. And in a few short weeks, he'll be ONE!

We've had some beautiful days lately which lands me a house/yard full of boys. We poured a full size basketball court a few years ago and it has been one of the best investments ever. I honestly love having a bunch of boys over hanging out and playing some ball. I just need some ideas on how to keep the food/snacks/drinks stocked inexpensively for their hearty appetites. I'm thinking summer might get a bit pricey. Any ideas? I do want to look into a drinking fountain for sure.

Last but not least! Bird hunting season is officially over which means I have a husband again. Which also means projects get done. I have a very long honey-to-do list. Oh boy do I! It's going to be great!~

p.s. does blogger not have spellcheck anymore?

Life is great!