Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our fabulous Thanksgiving weekend!

Our Thanksgiving weekend actually starts Wednesday night with The Pie pizza followed by a movie which was The Christmas Carol this year. My family has done this for as long as I can remember! Thanks mom and dad for an awesome night!

Thursday morning we slept in a little longer and lazzied around a bit until the early afternoon and then we went and saw The Blind Side....loved, loved it! After the movie we went to my Grandma's house for a delicious Thanksgiving feast! She is the most amazing cook which always results in overeating......yummy! Thanks Grandma! Later that evening we put the 3 little ones to bed and me, Curtis and Mitchell went and saw New Moon! A perfect way to end a perfect day! Fischer stay home and watched the Broncos game and the Jazz game!

Friday morning Curtis got up and went and did some Christmas shopping while I made 125 relief society invitations...whew, glad that's done! Then we went to a funeral for a wonderful person, Melody Hart. I loved hearing her children speak about what an amazing mother, grandmother, etc. she was. Made me want to be a better person just hearing how much love she gave to everyone, especially her family. She will be missed. After the funeral we ran a few errands and ended the evening eating dinner at The Training Table!

This morning my mom came and picked up the kids and took them to her house to decorate their gingerbread houses which is another tradition we do every year that we love. Emma made it plain and clear that I was not to help her one bit. I ended up staying home and started pulling out some of the Christmas decorations! Love this time of year! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year and had much to be thankful for.

I have so much to be thankful for this year. We have been so blessed and I feel so fortunate for all that I have. Some of the things I am most grateful for this year include:

my dedicated husband
my 5 children
my home
health insurance
my husband's job
the gospel
great friends
safe neighborhood
loving ward
my Savior

Life is a blessing!

Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon~

(Swoon) Ok, I am not an Edward fan so I totally LOVED this movie! I am Team Jacob all the way....sorry all you faithful Team Edward girls! I won't say much more for all you unlucky people that didn't get to see this before it came out like I did....don't be hatin'! I won't spoil anything other than rest assure you that it was awesome!

So my neighbor/friend was able to rent out a theater at The District for a premier 6:00 p.m. showing yesterday. My other friend Karey did all the hard leg work to organize the event and make it a success! Thanks Karey! It was a lot of fun and now I'm sad it's over. I think I might just need to go watch Twilight right now since I'm stuck at home all day!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Halloween was short and not so sweet this year! It was not a bad Halloween but not the most memorable. For the last 12 years, we have always gone in my parents neighborhood....can you say FULL SIZE CANDY BARS? Oh yeah! But this year my kids decided that they wanted to go around our neighborhood and be able to see their friends. Much to my dismay, I agreed and went to the store and bought 5 bags of candy that I didn't like so that I wouldn't self-indulge every few minutes.

Well, first off Crew had started getting a chest and head cold so he wasn't in the best mood to begin with. I was not about to waste the money I had used to purchase a darn Halloween costume for my 7 month old (what in the world was I thinking?) So, his grumpy little self got stuffed into his puffy monster costume and his chubby little cheeks into his silly hat that lasted just enough time to snap a photo. I'm still kicking myself for spending the money on that adorable costume. This photo turned out to be a $20.00 picture, guess I better scrapbook it!

Mitchell stayed at home to pass out our candy because he does not like dressing up and he doesn't like eating candy (not sure he's my child). So we took Emma, Stockton, and Crew on a journey around the neighborhood that was ever so short because no one was home. Needless to say, they didn't see their friends and they hardly got any candy. And at the end of the night we had almost 5 bags of candy leftover that I DO NOT LIKE~! Of course that is a good thing because then I won't eat it but just more money I wasted!
Lesson learned: It's just like when you go to a restaurant and you always order the same exact thing because you know for a fact it will be good and you won't be disappointed. And whenever you decide to change it up a bit and try something else you realize you should have just ordered what you know you like!

Next year.......we're going to Grandma's!

On a more positive side, we went to my Aunt Laurie's house for dinner we've done for years too and it was JUST RIGHT! Thank goodness we stuck to that tradition to end the night!

Life is a lesson!